Reflecting on the end of Summer and the harvest of Autumn, I am thinking about the belief so many of us carry that result in lives of hard, hard, hard work at the expense of living and harvesting a full life. Working with leaders around the world, it is clear that so how much of our identities are tied up in what we do versus who we are – including myself. I began several years ago, in earnest to collect my bones – to go back and remember those parts of myself that were alive and well before they were given away to the need for approval, the quest for success, fear, and the list goes on.


What parts of yourself have you given away? To what or to whom? What triggers you into striving versus thriving?


Take some time to reflect and collect those parts of you that you left behind on the path. As you collect yourself, the harvest that positively impacts on your life and your leadership is utterly remarkable. Celebrate the homecoming.